Classroom Essentials Recommended by Creekside Teachers!
School Supplies
TK Supply List
- Folder with your child’s name on it for home/school communication
- Backpack that is large enough for a folder, lunchbox, and jacket
- Water bottle with your child’s name on it
The following items do not need to be labeled, we will be sharing them as a class:
- Pack of Markers (primary colors)
- Box of crayons (primary colors)
- Watercolors (1 - primary colors)
- Glue sticks (4)
- White Glue (2 bottles)
- Black Sharpie (1)
Optional Items:
- Colored pencils (primary colors)
- Box of Kleenex
- Roll of Paper Towels
Our class has an Amazon wish list if you would like to donate an item to TK. All supplies and donations are greatly appreciated!
- 1 water bottle with student’s name on it
- 1 backpack that can fit their lunch box and water bottle
- 1 box of Expo markers - any colors OR
- 1 package permanent sharpies - black or fun colors (both of these will be shared by all)
Forest Kindergarten
Please note: We will be sharing all materials apart from their backpack, water bottle, and folders.
- 1 backpack (large enough to fit lunch box and pocket folder)
- 1 water bottle - labeled with your child’s name. MANDATORY!
- 1 pocket folder for school/home communication - labeled with your child’s name.
- 1 composition book
- 1 pair of child-safe scissors
- 1 pack pre-sharpened pencils - 24 count
- 1 box of crayons - 24 pack
- 1 box of colored pencils - 24 count
- 3 glue sticks (please no scented!!)
- 1 bottle of liquid glue
- 1 standard pink eraser
- 1 five pack of colored highlighters - pen style.
- 1 pack dry erase markers (any color)
- 1 12-inch ruler - labeled with your child’s name.
- 1 box of colored markers
Optional items
- Gallon Ziploc bags
- Disinfecting wipes
- Extra glue sticks
- Extra pencils (Ticonderogas are greatly appreciated! They last!)
Here is our Amazon Wishlist! Totally optional, but also totally appreciated! :)